Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Exercise the small muscles first...

I had wondered if it was going to happen that week.  I had that bag sitting in the back of my car, several times needing to remind my kids it was not for snacking but for the homeless.  It was Friday, almost a week since they had been passed out at church: Blessings Bags for the Homeless. My busy week of driving all over the community for this and that rehearsal, dance classes, violin, picking up from schools, grocery store, Costco, etc. did not include seeking out the homeless.  Lord, give me an opportunity right in my path, I had whispered several times that week.    So there I was driving through the Carmel Mountain shopping center.  I was busy thinking about my morning at the gym. "Exercise the large muscle groups first.  Then the small ones" it said on the monitor... did I do this? not sure.....hmmm... it's frustrating that stores are not open earlier... don't they know us moms are free right after drop off from school.... why do they wait until 10 am to open stores??!?... hmmm... that would be a funny comment to put on Facebook... what could I say??...oh shoot... I have to drive around the construction... oh yeah... they are putting in a Nordstrom Rack... at least that is what I heard.....that will be pretty cool....I bet they won't open until 10 either though... grrr... 

I pull out onto Carmel Mountain Road and then I see him.  His head was hung low, his shoulders hunched over, his white hair stuck up in odd places, he had a cigarette.  He did not even look up as he crossed the street.  Then I saw what was under his arm:  A wet sleeping bag... Neatly rolled... tied with a string.  I passed him and then looked back.  "He's the one!" I heard that still small voice.  "Really... I'm by myself.  My kids won't share the experience."  "Go back."  OK... I turn my car around and stop by the side of the road.  Dashing up to him, I say "excuse me, sir!"

He looked up. I catch him and say..."I see that you spent the night out in this rain. I sure that was a long night.  I just wanted to stop and give this bag to you. God wanted me to give it to you."  He looked up to me and I stared back into warm crystal blue sky eyes. "Thank you!God bless you!" he says with warmth in his eyes and even a small sparkle.  "Do you know Jesus as your Savior?" I inquire.  "YES! He is My Father." He says as his eyes continue to glow at me and he holds his head up from it's dropped position. "How long have you lived in San Diego?" I ask. "Oh seven years, it's been. I keep thinking the Good Lord is going to take me.  I keep thinking my time is done." This time I hear a longing in his voice.  We say in unison. "But he must still have plans for you/me."  I smile...almost grin as I know we share the same Lord and have the same words.  "He must have something else in mind for you. He must have plans for your life." I say.  He eyes smile back at me as he places his hand on my arm and says. "Thank you, my sister."

As I walk back to my car, the tears fill my eyes.  I have just looked into the face of Jesus.  "Whatever you do for the least of these my brothers and sisters you do it for me."  Then in that still small voice I hear. "Sometimes it is good to exercise the small muscles first."