Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WWJD? easy? no! challenging? yes!

So you would think this is a no brainer... My mother in law took a bad tumble and dislocated and broke her shoulder.  Of course I should help what is my attitude problem?  I have a degree in Social Work.  Didn't I get it to help people?  I'm all for making a small difference in a big world.  So what is with the attitude?  It should be easy.  "What ever you do for the least of these you do for me."  Obvious and easy are not the same in this crazy world we live in.  Sometimes the very things that are obvious and right, are the hardest things to do in the world.  Even things that line up perfectly with your own values that are written on tablets of stone "Honor thy Father and Mother!"  Those things are still hard, challenging, require discipline and obedience.  I think I have the WWJD (what would Jesus do?) down.  Sometimes it is easier to help the stranger than my own family.  Sometimes it is convenient to say "Not my responsibility...not my problem..not my mom...not easy... so no I won't help."  But I know that as I gaze upon my mother in law's face, I am looking at the face of my Savior.  How much more did he do for me?!!  He gave it all for me...
I'll let you know how it goes!

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