Monday, October 4, 2010

Being "MUCH" but staying disciplined!

So I have recently discovered a new contrast in life. Discipline brings freedom.  Now that I have returned to being a person of passion.  Now that I am feeling alive again.  A new truism has dominated my landscape.... I must stay focused and disciplined even in the face of new ideas, new opportunities and new dreams.  I cannot in my passion for living lose sight of the basics. Yes, the newfound 'muchness' has made me busy.... ok 'busy' is not quite the right word, 'full' is a better one.  As my neighbor said to me one day... "your dance card is full"  Its a perfect description 'cuz boy am I dancing but boy is life 'full'.  Maybe because I am a mom or maybe it is part of feeling determined and passionate about what is important to me, but I find the more I stay focused and disciplined about all the do-overs in my life...the more I am sure to exercise, get proper rest, eat right, keep the house tidy, and spend quality time with my family....then the more I find freedom to do the things I am passionate about doing. I can say it has taken courage to step out into new opportunities.  Courage to keep at it and try some new things outside my comfort zone. But it has also required real discipline.  I have a lot of people relying on me. I can't let my new hobbies or ideas or current fads rule the roost around here.  I can and do have the space for it, but only if I stick to it, keep to my schedule, get proper sleep and exercise, and not let anxiousness about tomorrow rob me from today.

No worries...gals... I am not attempting to be SUPERMOM....I don't think she exists but if she does she is definitely not me. All I am saying is as hard as I have worked to bring this discipline into my life... I am realizing my zest for life can co-exist in that realm as well. Spontaneous, alive, and giggly Kelly can thrive in a world with order and regiment.  Hmmmm.... discipline brings freedom.... not at all what I expected to learn in life!!!

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