Well, it has been a long time since I have written. I had promised myself and God that I would only write when I have something to say. I know those of you who know me personally are thinking, "when does Kelly NOT have something to say!?!?"...well... let's just say... life has been enough.
Enough is actually what has inspired me to write. It seems to be a bit of a theme in the last few months. For those of you who followed me from the start of writing you will remember I had several months of really questioning, really waiting, really wondering what was next for me. It was a time of incredible turmoil...Feeling uncomfortable in my own skin...Not know which way I was headed... concerned about what "more" God had for my time and my life... knowing there was a "promised" stream of living water I was seeking.
So here I am and here is the great I AM right along beside me. Life has changed so much but it is sufficient... it is enough. We joke around here that we did everything but move. New church, new dance studio, new school...so many new friends that I still don't remember all their names....(sigh...can one have dementia at 42??!) Life is most definately fuller...opportunity seems to be on the horizon. It is interesting to be on the other side of that turmoil now. Looking back it is not always clear how it all began.
Thankfully, I have confidence it was God breathed. And as I think about all these changes there is a deep contentment in my soul. Indeed, it is a life entirely of His making. I've had a say in some of it.... but most of it didn't make sense from my human perspective.
So while I terribly miss old friends and this new life isn't perfect by any stretch. All in all, it is enough.
So with this in mind... how do I plan to live in "enough" when I live in a "never enough" culture.
First off, I want to breed contentment in my heart. I tend to be a bit restless. Always pursuing the next idea, dream, vision. I am both futuristic and an ideator and apparently have to do that strategically besides... sigh... I have made the decision to keep making those plans. Keep dreaming about the future...write down the ideas... give them away when appropriate...do them when they seem fitting... but chose to wait when not. I must admit at times I must force some patience into this restless heart. But thankfully I can ask the Lord to quiet my soul. Having contentment that HE designed me and HE knows how to breed that contentment in the quiet places of my soul.
Next, I plan to celebrate all that is good. So much to be thankful for, so much to celebrate. I have to say I want to do that with both old friends and new ones. So cheers to all of you, who have been there through up and down, who have waited to spend time me when I have been too distracted, who have loved from a far even when we have had no time together, who have open their hearts to new friendship with me, who have shared this journey of life. To all of you, thank you for being my friend!
And finally, I plan to keep moving forward. Yes, it is enough that I have not started up my career again, and it is enough that I have plans for my future that I am not acting on yet. It is enough that I am focused on my kids and family first, and it is enough that I have not perfected certain talents and gifts. So while all this is ENOUGH... I plan to keep making steps towards all the dreams and ideas keeping my eyes on the goals, being open to the twists and curves that God may have designed for this part of my journey, all the while staying certain that the small steps towards what ever goal I am pursuing are ENOUGH!
Have you had #enough ??... Maybe it's time to #livewithenough
Love this, love you!
ReplyDeleteLove you too! miss you!