Friday, December 17, 2010

Top 10 ways to keep denying Christmas Stress

When cracks appear in denial of stress...

1. Sing a Christmas Carol 
 2. Eat Christmas Fudge 
3. Spend too long wrapping 1 present so it REALLY looks good 
4. Eat peppermint bark 
5. Put on Perry Como's Christmas 
6. Move the 2 christmas ornaments on the tree that are in just the wrong place. 
7. Sing o Holy Night really loud off key 
8. Go into your favorite shop and browse for things u really like but don't buy anything. 
9. Count how many presents you already wrapped. 
10. Did I mention eating fudge.  

Don't you feel better already!!!!


  1. Yep, I'm with you on the fudge! Although since I had the stomach flu this weekend it makes me want to wretch just about now. But I'm sure I'll be up to scratch by tomorrow and right there with you on that! :)

    Have a wonderful, merry Christmas, my dear friend!

  2. I got the stomach thing too... maybe I ate too much fudge?? It appears to be gone (the fudge I mean) and I'm sure I didn't eat any for about 3 days. Before that it was all a blur. (Life included!) Things are more relaxed now that school is out, everything is wrapped, shipped, stamped and sent. We even painted a room today and moved furniture. Now it doesn't feel like Christmas though... so maybe too much denial. :D Tomorrow is Christmas Eve... WEEEEE.... Merry Merry HO HO HO!
