Monday, January 3, 2011

Longings: what will satisfy??

So here we find ourselves in a New Year... 2011 to be exact. Can you believe it!?!?!  Once again the conversation centers around the future, the resolutions, and the hopes of the year to come. I have to say, in all honesty...what I hear loud and clear is the longings of the heart! The ache for more of the good, the ache for less of the bad. What are we longing for that nothing we buy, work for, spend money on, spend energy on can satisfy??? We toil the earth as we always have, we fill our time with friends, and family and things. Even the good things don't seem to fill the ache within us for more. We make resolutions... eat less of this, exercise more of that, show discipline in this, relax about that...all longings.

So here I find myself wanting alongside the rest of my world. Despite the fact that I refuse to make resolutions, or goals, I too long for more.  Yet, deep in my soul I know what it is that will satisfy. I know what will fill me up and empower me beyond my own abilities. I know a living water that will satisfy.  So tell me you say, what will satisfy my soul?? 

Do you not know? Have you not heard? There is one that came after Him. One that is greater than Him. One who is like Him but is greater still. One who is greater than Jesus himself, you ask? Yes! What amazing news! It is this one who will dwell in us when we ask. Who will fill us with living water that will satisfy our souls. He is the great Counselor. He is the Holy Spirit!

Won't you get to know Him this year and next and the year after that. I hope to, I long to. Come Holy Spirit!! May I know you deeply this year and in the years to come! Satisfy the longings of my soul!!! Fill me completely with your power so I may be an instrument of God in this year and in the years to come!! May you do far more in me than I could ever imagine.  I want more of God this year.  That is my one and only resolution.  It is the only one that promises to satisfy me completely.

Happy New Year!
Come Holy Spirit!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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