Wednesday, November 28, 2012

the collisions of sunshine and clouds

Does it ever feel like the clouds are moving in unannounced? that place of sadness? or worry? that old doubt or hurt?  Just when you think the sunshine has prevailed and the healing is complete...that sad place creeps in threatening the sunshine.  Old wounds, baggage you thought you set down long ago, old fears, past mistakes, worry and doubt.  I find it incredibly annoying!  Really... do we have to bring this one up again, Lord!  Thought I was over THAT! Thought I was done with THAT! Perhaps its another layer of hurt that needs to heal, or perhaps its a reminder that sin can easily creep in. 

I live for the sunshine moments.  Love the warmth and the excitement.  I would love to bask in that moment every day.  Yet, if there is anything I have learned on this great adventure called Following Jesus...there are reasons for all these moments.  Even the contemplative ones.. even the sad ones.   At times I have seen that it is for the purpose of knowing my own frailty, of being reminded of ALL Jesus did for me when He died for me.  Other times it is so I will find empathy.  Empathy for the friend or stranger who may enter my path... [Of course there are the times that it is just about being female and a little moody... but who admits that... :D]   Then there are the moments where it is pure longing for a better place.  The Hope of Heaven so to speak.  The desire for a world without sin.  One without my own sin, one without the sin of others.  Can you imagine such a place?  No pride, no selfish gain, no hatred, no fear, no worry, no sickness, no death, no war, no fighting, no corruption.  Deep down we all long for it.  Deep within we all wish for it.  There is a sadness knowing I will struggle with my own self until I die, that I will watch my friends and family and world struggle as well.  It feels so unnecessary.  And every so often it just makes me sad.  I can only imagine how it must make God feel.
Yet, today I am reminded that sadness has a purpose for the here and now.  Sunshine and clouds come together to bring rainbows and with it the rain to wash away the sin.  In the collision of these two things, there is promise and cleansing  which can only lead to new life and more sunshine.  So as I allow the two to collide, I commit to dwell today in the promises.  Knowing that once again the rain will come and new life will spring forth.

What is that promise I speak of... The promise that when I put my faith in Jesus Christ.  When I chose to believe that He died on the cross and rose again (however far fetched that may seem), when I put my trust in Him and chose to follow Him, I am given a pass.  A free pass, one that overcomes all the sadness, one that overcomes all the yuck in the world and in myself.  I get a free pass that gets me a personal one on one relationship with the very Living, Holy and Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth.  I get a free pass that allows me to been pure, holy and unblemished (even though we all know I ain't).  That free pass, gets me the chance to spend eternity in that perfect place I long for...and on top of it all... I get to spend ETERNITY there.  No death.... no sadness... 

It is that knowledge and that trust which causes those fears, doubts and old wounds to disappear.  I am emptied of them all, I bask in the fresh rain of redemption and walk once again in the green pastures full of promise. 

Don't you want that?? It's yours if you do...all you must do is believe. For some that is the hardest part...I know... [If you want to know more about this believing... if you desire to know God personally. Please do not hesitate to contact me...]

Thank you, God, for willingly humbling yourself to become even lower than the angels.  
You became one of us.  You lived this life, experienced pain and suffering, cried tears and came to understand the longing we have for perfection.  You did all that and then submitted yourself willingly to persecution, suffering, humiliation and then allowed your own creation to destroy you.  Just when they thought they had triumphed, you performed your most courageous act, submitting yourself unto death.  the death of the most horrendous criminals, death on the cross. So that once and for all, whosoever believes in you, can have forgiveness of sin and in that forgiveness can have eternal life.  You then unleashed all your power and glory, conquered death and rose again to new life. Praise be to the Father for His son!  He lives even now and goes before us to prepare a place for us.  
Thanks be to God! Amen

PS... I am guessing today's sadness was to remind me of what He did for me on the cross...just a guess. :}
Hope your day is full of promise!

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