So now that Alice has officially found her way at least part way up the rabbit hole. I wanted to give you an update on the last few weeks. Yes, I did put motherhood on my resume. It was serious and mainly listed my skill set which in all honesty I only have due to this crazy job I have held for the last 10 1/2 years called "mommyhood." I totally appreciate all the feedback and for those who voted a special thanks. I don't know if anything will become of the job I applied for. At this point I am not sure it matters. But I do know this. What I do has value! I think that is what I really needed to know.
I am not sure I ever really doubted my own value, nor did I desire to draw value from what I do. I know that I am wonderfully made by an amazingly creative and loving God. I know that my gifts and talents are unique and given purposefully and lovingly. So my self value was never really in doubt. [Either that or I am in complete denial!] But what I was doubting is the following: Are those valuable things to God and to me, valuable to anyone else? [Not approved by them, as I am not looking for approval!] Is what I do with those gifts, valuable to this world, to my church, to my neighborhood, to my family? [I am not done with this part of my discovery. I am still getting down to the knitty gritty of it all.] Is what I do with my time and energy valuable? [I don't want to gain my value from it, I only want to know... it is worth the time and energy?] Also, is there anything else I can be doing with my time and energy that is more valuable to this world than what I am currently doing? [This I must be careful with. As you moms know, we have to guard our family life like a bird guarding a nest.] So these were my questions and remain questions but as I search I finally feel somewhat closer to direction for this part of my life journey. I can see the light up the rabbit hole.
What a looking glass experience!! Reflections of self in a mirror which I then walk through into a new world. Only being cut by the glass on my way through seems a miracle, and while painful I now look back and see a new reflection of where I have been. Thus is this crazy race we run called life. All leading down a path that to us seems curvy and lost but to the Master is clear and planned. Thank you Lord that you are such an amazing guide!