Friday, December 17, 2010

Top 10 ways to keep denying Christmas Stress

When cracks appear in denial of stress...

1. Sing a Christmas Carol 
 2. Eat Christmas Fudge 
3. Spend too long wrapping 1 present so it REALLY looks good 
4. Eat peppermint bark 
5. Put on Perry Como's Christmas 
6. Move the 2 christmas ornaments on the tree that are in just the wrong place. 
7. Sing o Holy Night really loud off key 
8. Go into your favorite shop and browse for things u really like but don't buy anything. 
9. Count how many presents you already wrapped. 
10. Did I mention eating fudge.  

Don't you feel better already!!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Won't you join me in a bit of denial this Christmas!

So here we find ourselves in the midst of Christmas crazies.  Purchase, box, ship, stamp, bake, buy, gifts, gifts, gifts....We all spin ourselves around and around... we all talk about the need to go back to the real meaning of Christmas.  The real heart of Christmas...Countless blog have already been written about it this year and in years past.  I'm pretty sure there are 100's of books on the subject: "How to find the real meaning in the holidays."  Nothing really changes.  Ok... so I got a fleece sweatshirt at Old Navy for $3.99 today.  That didn't happen last year... but besides that I'm having the same discussions with the same women about the same things I did last year.  The desperate attempt to keep Christmas season sane but still go to all the parties, see the lights, sing the carols, buy all the same gifts, spend the same or more than last year,  and on and on.  We struggle...But this year I decided there is one thing I would do differently... I chose peace!  I am positive it is a master attempt at denial.... and tonight I saw small cracks in my peaceful world as I barked at the kids after dinner.  So... it seems to be a requiring a lot more denial than originally planned for... but so far while I am just as busy and just as crazy with things to do... I am continuing to choose peace and I plan to keep choosing peace. I plan to not let those cracks turn into crevices where I fall apart with the stress of it all. So as I keep choosing peace, keep choosing denial, the great part is I am enjoying myself a lot more.  I'm not nearly as tired as I usually am and I'm still pretty much getting everything done. And yes...  the only difference is that  I've just plain refused to stress out.  I should be stressed out... but I am choosing peace.  I should be freaking out... but I'm choosing peace.

I am choosing peace because I know this for sure... Christ came to this earth in the simplicity of a small stable surrounded by barn animals. In the midst of a huge census which I can only imagine was incredibly chaotic and stressful. Yet, in God's perfect plan, planets and stars aligned to form a beautiful Christmas star to shine over Bethlehem, as if perfectly timed to rejoice His coming. It was a tumultuous time in history, Herod was a jealous almost paranoid king who had already killed all the baby boys to attempt to rid his kingdom from any hint of rebellion.  Not simple by any means. Yet, God chose shepherds keeping their watch over their flocks to reveal his glory and come to worship Him.  Simple, despite the complex... peaceful, despite the chaos. It was God's perfect choice to bring the Savior of the world in a simple, peaceful way.  As a result I too can chose simple in the midst of the complex and peace in the season of chaos.  I chose Him!

Hope you'll join me in a bit of denial this Christmas!
Peace be with you!